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Guest Blog | Attaining The Most Productive Workspace For You

If you’re currently working from home or have since returned to the office due to the lift of certain lockdown restrictions, you’re likely faced with the ongoing challenge of improving your productivity. This applies to new business owners, entry-level employees, and everyone in between. Your career trajectory hinges on your ability to provide the highest quality output at a faster rate than anyone else.

Unfortunately, there are a number of uncontrollable issues that undermine our productivity every day. For example, if you’re new to your position and are confused by what work assignments you’ve received. Or maybe you’ve been in your position for a number of years but are now working with a more challenging client than what you’re used to. Whatever the case may be, you’re bound to be faced with challenges that are going to plague your productivity and disrupt your normal workflow. However, in order to regain control of your normal workflow and feel more comfortable, look to change the things within your control rather than those outside of your control.

One of the major ways that employees can calm the chaos and establish a sense of control over their productivity is by establishing a personal workspace. Whether that be a home office, or your desk space in the office, where you work and your immediate surrounds greatly affects productivity. As noted in the infographic featured below, there are a number of ways you can alter your workspace in order to improve your productivity.

The first, and likely most important, concerns the comfort your workspace provides. Beginning with the most impactful element, the chair you occupy for multiple hours a day to complete your work. If you’ve never sat in a well-designed office char, perhaps you don’t know what you’re missing. However, if your current desk chair requires you to get up every few minutes to alleviate pain, you’re likely wasting large amounts of time per week.

In addition to your office chair, the make-up of your desk space is also important in relation to your productivity. For example, have you ever stopped to think about how much easier your work-life would be if you kept everything organized perfectly rather than spread out across your desk? Or maybe your desk space has no life to it and requires some livening up? The addition of a desk plant to freshen the air around you is one way to alleviate this. Or maybe including a few photos of your family on your desk to lighten the mood.

Whatever the case may be, How to Create a Productive Workspace, courtesy of Deflecto, gives you a solid foundation of what you can do in order to overcome the many drags on your productivity.


Carlie Dunbar

Written on the 23rd May 2024 by

Working behind the scenes, Carlie assists with the purchasing and setting up of new projects and looks after day-to-day tasks within the office.

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