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Insight / News

The design and build route vs traditional contracting

The design and build route is increasingly becoming the ‘go-to’ to refurbishing and fitting out your workspaces into evolving, future-thinking spaces that reflect company brands, and where that brand is taking them.

However, it is important to understand the difference between what we have to offer, and how that differs from going down the traditional contracting route when procuring your workspace changes.

To help break it down, we will use a simple analogy – imagine it’s the weekend, and you want to have a meal with your family.

Traditional route

Going down the traditional contracting route would be similar to making the meal yourself, outsourcing the ingredients, preparing, cooking and presenting the final result. You have full control, and responsibility to make sure that the meal is pulled together, tastes nice, is safe to eat and that the meal-time is an enjoyable family evening.

Design and build route

On the other hand, you can enjoy the design and build experience as you would at a restaurant. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive, luxury restaurant out there, but you can relax with your family, knowing that the whole meal is being taken cared for and that everyone can enjoy themselves. If there were any issues with the food, then you needn’t worry, as it is not your responsibility.

See what our managing director, Gareth, has to say:

This is how we see the design and build route – a process that we customise to meet your needs so that we finish with the end result you, and your team, managers and directors are looking for. Our expertise and experience, helps us to create workspaces that look and play the part. Whether you are looking to boost productivity, staff well-being or improve your attraction and retention of talent – our turnkey service offers all of that.

Our recently completed case study, invisible systems, showcases the finest elements of design and build, and the concepts our designers and project team deliver. From the defining of the brief, to coming up with concepts and the ‘look and feel’, and of course delivering to a high standard, our specialist skillset can help your workplace become the space that your staff live and thrive in.

Want to get in touch about your project? Email or call us on 01612330030.

Carlie Dunbar

Written on the 23rd May 2024 by

Working behind the scenes, Carlie assists with the purchasing and setting up of new projects and looks after day-to-day tasks within the office.

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