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Insight / News

5 ways you will benefit from an office fit-out

Why Refurbish Your Office?

The best thing about office refurbishment is that it doesn’t necessarily require you to move offices. Finding a way to repurpose and re-utilise the space you currently have can bring many benefits to your business, in ways you may not have thought about before. Whilst maybe its an extra cost, it is no doubt an investment which will not only improve your staff’s work experience but also your clients. Read on to find out more.

The Benefits Of An Office Fit Out

Boost Morale

There is nothing like working in a new office, which has new or updated facilities. Even just new desks and storage facilities can make a difference. The change will help boost productivity levels within the staff and encourage them to work harder, as the new environment helps them to come up with fresh goals and personal targets, which will benefit your workplace greatly. Adding new colours can help stimulate the brain into making changes for the better, whether this be increasing innovation or giving determination or calm. Click here for more info on how to pick the right paint colour:


Office Space Planning

As your business employs more and more staff, its likely that the office could become more cramped and badly needed space is being wasted on storing old files or by simply not having an ergonomic office design. By re-designing your office, it will help to make sure that the space is being made the most of, and will also give you a chance to sort through all of those files that have been stuffed into the back of the cupboard! Making sure your employees have enough space for themselves will help improve productivity whilst improving their experience at work.

Creating a healthier workspace

As just previously mentioned, allowing staff to have enough space will also help to improve their mental well-being. Additionally, allowing them access to natural light is a healthy, eco-friendly and cheaper method. Making sure that your furniture, such as chairs and desks are positioned correctly, ergonomic and support you will prevent back aches and pains. You can also make your fit-out healthier for the environment, not just the staff. Using natural materials and energy saving solutions will help reduce  your carbon footprint and also your utility bills!


The clients experience

Having a smart and up-to-date office will help to impress your clients, as it will help them see that you clearly care about your employees and that you want them to be able to work in the best environment. It shows your clients that you want the best, and that you care for your staffs’ well-being which would then mean that you also care for your client in a similar way. It also means that you can proudly invite your clients to come to the office, and don’t have to be embarrassed about the state of them!

Embrace hot desk working

Having a office re-design will help you keep up with the latest trends within office design, such as hot desk working which means that no person is assigned a specific desk, rather you can choose where you want to work. This allows for different areas such as booths, private room and semi-collaborative spaces to be utilised to add variety to the workplace.

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Carlie Dunbar

Written on the 23rd May 2024 by

Working behind the scenes, Carlie assists with the purchasing and setting up of new projects and looks after day-to-day tasks within the office.

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