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How will adapting to hybrid working affect your bottomline?

Did you know that companies with happy employees outperform the competition by 20%?

That means the potential to make 20% more than your competition, increase your market share and grow your business into a market-leading opportunity.

Making small changes and adaptations to your bottom line can help save costs for your business in the long run and helps become more cost-effective. Making small adaptations to how you work doesn’t need to cost much, but can impact your productivity and ability to attract and retain your staff.

These small savings that you can make may seem minimal, but all add up to make significant savings, and it is also about making the right decision so that you don’t miss out on other growth opportunities that will help you in the long-term future of your business.

We are not suggesting that adapting hybrid working methods is the key to all of your problems, and will enhance your employers, but it is an effective way to show your staff that you care about their work-life balance, and how you can save them the commuting time and costs.

You will also see:

Improved productivity

By reducing distractions and allowing your staff to be able to choose where they work best, they can maximise their outputs by ensuring that they are working in the conditions that best suit them.

Making sure to have the right furniture in-office is also important, so that you can facilitate collaborative working, focused zones and meetings being held.

Our recent work with Invisible Systems saw us support their hybrid working model, by including furniture that was suitable for agile working, collaboration and focus zones. This allows them to have productive collaboration on-site, and have access to facilities that you can’t when at home, and allows the staff to find the optimum hybrid working balance.

Better talent

Having the best talent is key to staying ahead of the competition. With their innovation and loyalty, you can inspire the best ideas that will help keep your business at the forefront of your customers’ minds, rather than opting for your competition.

This is particularly important in the technology industry, and we worked with Apadmi, who made it on the Sunday Times Best Places to work 2023.

We designed and delivered their multi-purpose event space, which is able to facilitate the apadmi academy, large-scale conferences and to act as an over-flow from their current offices. This space includes many exciting features, such as acoustic sheer curtains, bespoke booths, a wellness pod and even a bar.


Lower employee absenteeism

Employees who report being happy at work take 10 times fewer sick days than unhappy employees and stay twice as long in their jobs as their least happy colleagues.

This goes to show how much cost savings can be made, on recruitment costs and the cost of absenteeism.

By offering hybrid working to your staff, you can work with them to make sure that you find a balance that works for you and for them, to ensure that they are able to maintain a high job satisfaction, whilst you gain increased productivity and an extended talent pool.

Interested in getting in touch about how we can make your workspace better suited for hybrid working? Getting in touch today by emailing us on or giving us a call on 0161 233 0030.

Carlie Dunbar

Written on the 23rd May 2024 by

Working behind the scenes, Carlie assists with the purchasing and setting up of new projects and looks after day-to-day tasks within the office.

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