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Insight / News

We Are Creating Vlogs

In case you were not already aware, Officeinsight is now fully engaged in a digital marketing era and the up rise of social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn with our projects. It can be challenging to showcase exactly what we get up to as a team in and outside the office without it seeming repetitive or boring. Therefore, we have decided to mix up our content a little and provide you with some vlogs!

Vlogging is a great way of showing you our current designs and office fit-out projects. We will be able to provide you with in-depth information without having to read a 500-word blog. We want to communicate with our followers, explaining and demonstrating our 3D process, define, design, and deliver to our platform.

We want to provide you with relevant, engaging content, enabling you, as viewers, to know the personality of Officeinsight.

Within our videos over the next upcoming weeks, we will be giving you insight into the Officeinsight environment. Our first video published will connect with managing director, Gareth Dunbar, providing an interview styled series of questions, answering the events which led him to where he is at Officeinsight to date. We are trying to promote our brand identity of being open and honest. We want viewers to understand the hard work you put into creating unique and authentic projects and how they are delivered.

Furthermore, we will be further mixing up the video style content, providing you with personal background and interests within the company's team and processes. We want to connect with our audience on a deeper level, putting faces to the Officeinsight name.

But we do not want to stop there. Our videos will provide a purpose; we want to use our vlogs to share our story for audiences to watch and gain entertainment and educational gratifications.

Do not get us wrong; this will be a challenge; we have finally plucked up the courage to talk to our audience behind a camera; however, it's worth it. We intend to go for it, hoping to get better and less anxious as we go on.

For more information on how you can find our vlogs, turn on your post notifications via Instagram and Linkedin to be the first to know.

Carlie Dunbar

Written on the 23rd May 2024 by

Working behind the scenes, Carlie assists with the purchasing and setting up of new projects and looks after day-to-day tasks within the office.

Find me on LinkedIn

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